Singapore Airline has been under fire from conservation
organizations around the globe due to their environmental negligence of
allowing shark fins to be transported on their aircrafts. It is estimated that
millions of shark fins have been moved across borders aboard Singapore Airlines
flights. Activists and organizations around the globe have banded together to
apply pressure to this company and urge them to cease their support in this
irresponsible practice. Michael Aw of "Ocean Geographic", and a Sea Save Foundation advisor has been instrumental in an international protest urging Singapore Airlines to ban the shipment of shark fins aboard their aircrafts. Michael drafted a petition urging the airline to discontinue it’s indirect support of the shark fin trade, which garnished over 40,000 signatures from activists all over the world.

This is a massive win for the conservation community and our sharks, but there is still much to be done. Our sharks are under siege from not only the shark finning industry, but also overfishing and bycatch, and we need your help to protect some of the critically endangered species of shark that are being affected.
Sea Save Foundation leaders have been working to raise awareness and stop worldwide shark finning. The Sea Save Foundation petition gathered almost 50,000 signatures and was presented to Governor Jerry Brown as he considered AB 376, a California bill that banned the sale and possession of shark fins. The Sea Save team has continued to fight back against the shark fin trade by supporting the CITES conference and working to get five threatened shark species protected under the CITES II Appendix.
The CITES success was quickly followed by several nations filing reservations, which mean they refuse to recognize the international decision which affords these species protection. Let us keep the momentum going. The power of a petition is limitless; please take a moment to add your signature to the linked "Support CITES" petition.