Do it!
But before you do, make sure you’re ordering through the Amazon-Sea Save portal.
It’s easy. Just follow this link to make your purchase: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-0403083. Every time you use this link to buy, Amazon will automatically donate 0.5% of the price for each eligible purchase to Sea Save Foundation. It costs you nothing extra to help ocean conservation.
Shopping at Amazon and using the https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-0403083 link is a simple and automatic way to support Sea Save Foundation. You’ll have access to the same products, shopping features, and shipping options as at Amazon.com, but with the bonus of contributing much-needed funds to Sea Save and our efforts.
After your first Amazon-Sea Save shopping spree, you can make sure your browser always finds the Amazon-Sea Save portal (rather than plain old amazon.com) by replacing your current Amazon bookmark with https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-0403083.
So enjoy a clear conscience when you fill your virtual cart by shopping at the Amazon Sea Save portal - and thanks for your support!