1. UK to
Designate the Biggest Protected Ocean Area in the World
This week the British government announced that the Pitcairn Islands, a British territory in the South Pacific Ocean, will become the largest marine reserve in the world. The protected area will span 322,000 square miles and encompass the Oeno, Henderson, Ducie, and Pitcairn Islands. This sanctuary will protect over 1,200 species and the 40 Mile Reef. The waters will be off limits to commercial fishing as well as any undersea mining. Read more...
2. Obama Climate Change Order to Push Shift to Renewables
As a follow up to the State of the Union, President Obama signed an executive order to have the United States cut 40% of its greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade. Large US corporations like GE, HP, IBM Northrop Grumman, and Honeywell will follow suit and announce their own emission cuts. This is a promising precursor to the international goals that will be established at the global climate summit in Paris in December., Read more...
3. Oxygen, Aerobic Life Found Deep Beneath The Ocean Floor On Texas A&M Drill Ship
4. Florida and
The Science Who Must Not Be Named

5. The City of San Diego vs. The Monsanto Company


7. Seal Pup Kiss Melts Hearts

The picture on the right truly doesn’t require too many comments. It may be the sweetest thing we have seen all week. This photo of the baby Weddell seal nuzzling up to its mother was taken by a scientist from the U.S Geological Survey in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. The Weddell seal population has been studied at that location for over 40 years. Read more...

Over the last few months, the Week in Review reports have included stories on various prototypes and test of machines that can harness tidal or wave power. This BBC article breaks down some of the technologies that are in trial and the efficiency of the designs. With the aggressive targets to reduce in carbon pollution emissions, many countries may invest in the development of this form of power generation. Read more...
9. New NASA Mission to Study Ocean Color, Airborne Particles and Clouds

10. A Tiny Fish On the Brink of Extinction!
This is a
good example of being tiny but powerful. The California Delta smelt is a
three-inch fish which is currently on the verge of extinction. According to the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the smelt is an indicator species. The Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta has now not only been depleted of smelt but also longfin smelt,
salmon, steelhead trout, green sturgeon, and more. Both the drought and water
pumping from the Delta have created colossal issues for this ecosystem. This
year, California will propose a $1B emergency drought relief plan to attempt to
relieve the stress on this area.
11. Arctic Sea Ice Hits Record Low Winter Peak

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.