1. Record-Beating Pacific Ocean Heat Seen Strengthening El Nino

2. Exploring Evolution Via Electric Fish Hybrid Zone
3. Beautiful Maps Show the World's Oceans in Motion

4. Authorities Cracking Down on Illegal Shark Fishing Activities in Delaware
This week, the Division of Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) reviewed 16 violations of shark fishing that were reported in the state. Shark fishing along the coast has been popular in the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware bay. The state prohibits removing any species of shark from the water by any means. The 16 violators have been reprimanded by the state government. Read more...

6. Five Things Learned From Swimming with Sharks
Did Discovery's Shark Week wet your appetite to see some sharks up close and personal? Here are five facts that tell the truth about the relationship between humans and sharks. Read more...
7. The Surprising Importance of How We Label the Fish We Eat

8. What Oysters Reveal About Sea Change

Every small change in the ecosystem has a huge impact on the food chain. This month, New York Times put together a series of videos about sustainable agriculture. One video discusses the Hog Island oysters and the high mortality rate due to ocean acidification. The struggle that the oyster population faces is representative of the instability of the marine ecosystem. Read more...
9. On the Trail of the Sea Bass Pirates
Overfishing has depleted global fishing stock and now many international organizations have establish protection efforts for many species. This week, Thai customs stopped a boat suspected of holding $5 million worth of illicit "Chilean sea bass". This article describes the many cases of illegal fishing and fish transportation that occur throughout the world. Read more...
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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.