Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week in Review: Who May Be Considered Public Shark Enemy #1?

1. Who May Be Considered Public Shark Enemy #1?

Last week, Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solis was nominated for the Shark Enemy of 2016 by the conservation NGO Sharkproject International. Solis has been a potential candidate since February when the government signed off on the export of two shipments of shark fins from an endangered species. The government of Costa Rica refutes the claim that they violated the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna (CITES) and states that they are "looking for a balance between fishermen and conservation".   Read more...


2. See How Deepest Ocean Currents Move

If you're a diver or a sailor, you probably have a love-hate relationship with currents. Currents are often times very difficult to predict and see. A group of Australian scientists have recently created a full detailed animation of the deep ocean currents in the Southern Ocean. Read more... For more details on the project and the theory behind the complex southern ocean circulation click here...


3. Amid Controversy, Japanese Whaling Ships Return to Antarctic Ocean 

On December 1st Japan sent two whaling ships back to the Southern Ocean to resume whale hunts. Japan proposes to kill 333 minke whales this year for research purposes. In previous years the total had been over 900 whales killed. Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) states that " the purpose of Japan's research is science-science that will ensure that when commercial whaling is resumed it will be sustainable".  Japan has not provided the International Whaling Commission's Scientific Committee with justification for lethal whaling to carry out research. Read more...


4. Sleep Underwater? 

rerewrr345sfsdfsdf.jpgOk readers, THIS is a cool story- maybe on the borderline of terrifying and absolutely amazing. Tony Webb, travel advocate and managing director of Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel, has received a U.S. patent for his design of an underwater hotel. Every separate guestroom would be 30 feet below water with its own entrance via surface to ocean elevator. Every room would be complete with a bed, refrigerator, living room with entertainment space, and a bathroom. The first prototype is being built in Key West and will be towed to Cube for its first test at a Spanish-owned resort.  Read more...


5. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning Predicted to Increase with Rising Temperatures

Ciguatera fish poisoning predicted to increase with rising ocean temperaturesA new NOAA study, published in the journal Ecological Modeling, predicts an increase in ciguatera fish poisoning in the Gulf of Mexico and the US SE coast due to rising global ocean temperatures. Ciguatera is the most common form of algal-induced seafood poisoning and can contaminate many marine reef fish consumed by humans. More than 400 fish species are known to become toxic and it will also contaminate corals and seaweeds, two critical components of the marine food chain.  There is no easy way to identify fish for ciguatoxins but, scientists are able to forecast where the algae will grow and produce ciguatoxins. Read more...


6. COP21 Update- Indian Signals Willingness to Cut Coal for Climate Cash

IndiaCurrently, India is set to become one of the world's largest producers of coal by 2020. The estimated coal production is 1.5 billion tons. This week during the COP21 discussions, India agreed to make some coal restrictions if there was assistance to pay for green energy which is significantly more expensive. India is currently struggling with meeting the energy needs required by the rapid and massive development. US lead negotiator Todd Stern said that "Prime Minister Modi has made pledges that are quite enormously impressive actually with respect to the development of renewable energy, the total of what he has pledged is 175 gigawatts".  Read more... 

Still confused about the intentions on this years Conference of Parties (COP) on climate change? Read some more details and watch some fabulous videos here... 

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.