1. Whale and Winged Sharks Move Steps Closer to Extinction
The International Union for the Conservation of Natural (IUCN) recently redefined whale and winged sharks as endangered species on the group's 'Red List'. The population of whale sharks has halved in the last 75 years! A lot of this is a result of increased human disturbances. Whale sharks continue to be killed by ship and propellers and fishing fleets. "While international whale shark trade is regulated through the species' listing on the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), more needs to be done domestically to protect whale sharks at a national level", said Simon Pierce, the INCU's lead Red List assessor. Read more...
2. Turtles Struck by Tumor Epidemic

Turtles in Australia's Great Barrier Reef have been affected by a herpes virus that causes fibropapollomatosis, a condition in which disfiguring tumors grown on and inside the body. See the very sad picture of this on the right. According to Karina Jones of James Cook University, " the tumors are benign but can grow up to about a foot in size and block the turtles' vision..this means they can't find food or see predators or boats". The results from Jones's team have not bee published yet but, roughly half the turtles in Cockle Bay at Magnetic Island were found with fibropapillomatosis. Read more...
Picture taken from the article in The Washington Post, photo taken by Karina Jones
3. How Sea Otters Help Save the Planet

Photo taken by Veronica Craft
4. Nearly 2,000 Pounds of Illegal Shark Fins Found in Cargo

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.