1. David Banks, Former Bush Climate Aid Expected to Join NSC
Former George W. Bush administration climate aide, George David Banks, is expected to join the National Security Council as an adviser on international energy and environmental issues. Banks worked at the State Department, where he focused on climate and energy issues at the U.S. Mission to the European Union in Brussels. He then served as a senior adviser on international affairs and climate change at Bush's White House Council on Environmental Quality. He later became the Republican deputy staff director on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and is now an executive vice president at the American Council for Capital Formation, a pro-business nonprofit group. Read More…

2. Thirty Plastic Bags Found Inside Rare Species of Whale is the Suspected Cause of Death
A whale that was discovered stranded off the coast of Norway was found with thirty plastic bags in its stomach. The Cuiver’s Beaked Whale had been repeatedly stranding itself despite efforts to return it to the ocean. The plastic bags had English and Danish writing on them, meaning the bags may have traveled far from their place of origin when the whale consumed them. Read More… or watch video Here

4. Humpback Whale Breach for a Reason

Scientists from the University of Queensland, Australia have figured out that humpback whales breach, jump high out of the water with their entire bodies, for long-distance communication with other humpbacks. The scientists observed that groups of humpbacks over 2.5 miles apart would breach to communicate, and at closer distances simply slap their flippers or flukes. Read More…

Scientists from the University of Queensland, Australia have figured out that humpback whales breach, jump high out of the water with their entire bodies, for long-distance communication with other humpbacks. The scientists observed that groups of humpbacks over 2.5 miles apart would breach to communicate, and at closer distances simply slap their flippers or flukes. Read More…
5. Bigger is Better for Marine Protected Areas

6. Study Finds Harvesting Sharks Could be Key to Saving Them
In the latest issue of Current Biology Researchers are finding that some sharks are being fished sustainably even though many shark activists argue for a total ban on shark fishing. “Strong demand [for shark products] combined with poor fishery regulation and high levels of incidental catch have resulted in many populations being overfished, with some now facing extinction.” The study found 39 populations out of the 65 populations surveyed are being fished sustainably. This however accounts for only a small fraction of the world’s sharks but raises the question- Is sustainable shark fishing possible? Read More Here or Here
7. In Rob Stewart’s honor “Sharkwater” sequel will be completed
8. Cutting Edge Technology Confirms Extraordinary Dorado Catfish Migration
9. 90+ Year Old Lung Fish Euthanized in Captivity
Granddad, the lungfish, was the longest living fish in captivity and was housed at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. He was recently put down after not eating and suffering from possible organ failure. The lungfish was estimated to be in his mid-90’s. Lungfish can live to be more than 100 years old. They live in the rivers of Queensland, Australia and are one of the few fish that can breathe air. Read More…
Rob Stewart, the award-winning director of the “Sharkwater” documentary, was found dead off the Florida Keys after a 72-hour search. He disappeared after a rebreather SCUBA dive in which he was looking to film a sawfish for the sequel to “Sharkwater.” The sequel will be finished in his honor. Stewart was a strong advocate for shark conservation and “Sharkwater” did much to change the public’s perception of sharks from bad and dangerous to that of awe. Read More…
Using Cutting Edge Technology - "Scientific Reports" Confirm 7,208-mile Dorado Catfish migration from the Andes mountains to the mouth of the Amazon river and back over its lifespan. This migration is fraught with perils such as dams, deforestation and mining operations and is longer than salmon or eels. The 6.6 ft long Dorado Catfish is an important food source for Amazon residents. Read More…
9. 90+ Year Old Lung Fish Euthanized in Captivity

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.