Saturday, July 8, 2017

California Breaks with National Policy, will host Climate Summit, Pruitt Systematically Dismantles EPA, Navy Dolphin Deployed and More:

1. In a Break with US National Policy, California Governor Jerry Brown Announced an independent Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, September 2018 

California Governor Jerry Brown has one-upped Trump by announcing that he will host a Climate Action Summit in San Francisco in September of 2018.  He says Trump "doesn't speak for the rest of America," when it comes to climate change.


2. Pruitt Systematically Dismantles EPA. Onerous.

"In the four months since he took office as the Environmental Protection Agency’s administrator, Scott Pruitt has moved to undo, delay or otherwise block more than 30 environmental rules, a regulatory rollback larger in scope than any other over so short a time in the agency’s 47-year history, according to experts in environmental law. Mr. Pruitt’s supporters, including President Trump, have hailed his moves as an uprooting of the administrative state and a clearing of onerous regulations that have stymied American business."  

3. Navy Dolphin Deployed to Save Endangered Vaquita Porpoise

The US Navy will deploy its trained dolphins to search for the last of the endangered vaquita porpoise.  Once found, the dolphins will herd the vaquita into a marine refuge. Less than 30 vaquita are estimated to be left in the wild. The project will begin in September. The Mexican government is looking into a permanent ban on the gillnets that accidentally catch the vaquita.


Trump Receives Icy Reception -  Intends to Drill Oil  in Arctic and Atlantic

arcticEnvironmentalists have condemned Trump as a “threat to every ocean and coastline in the country” due to his willingness to open up the Arctic and Atlantic to oil drilling.  A five-year plan put into place by the Obama administration will be rewritten by the Trump administration.  A 45 day public comment period is now open here 


5. Whales Shrinking Over Time

humpback whale, humpback whale breaching, humpback whale jumping
Whales have been shrinking in size due to the commercial whaling of the 20th century.  The decrease in weight and length was noticeable 40 years before the populations crashed.  The decrease in “body size could be an early marker of when animal communities are about to collapse.”



6. Public Comments Open For Review of National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments
National Marine Sanctuaries logo 
This is your chance to weigh in.  National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments are soliciting public input regarding the future of our National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments and make comments of your own.

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7. EPA to Create “Red Team-Blue Team” for Climate Change

coal power plant
The EPA plans to create a “red team - blue team” model to debate climate change.  The red team will consist of climate change deniers, and the blue team of those who believe in climate change.  Many climate change advocates are saying that this is a waste of time, while others welcome the chance to debate climate change in the public eye.
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8. Killer Whale Pregnancies Down Due to Scarce Food

orcas, orca pod, Puget Sound orcas, killer whales
Endangered killer whales in Puget Sound, Washington state, are not finding enough food to eat and this is affecting their pregnancies.  The females are stressed over not finding enough salmon to eat and having pregnancy problems as a result.  Scientists found that two-thirds of the pregnancies failed from their study of 6 years.
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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.