1. Trump Dines on Shark Fin Soup in Vietnam


3. Plastics Found in Animals from the Deepest Point in the Ocean

4. 2016 Mass Coral Bleaching off of Western Australia Most Severe Ever Recorded

6. Dinosaur-Age Shark with 300 'Frilled' Teeth Caught off Portuguese Coast
A frilled shark, a creature dubbed a “living fossil,” was caught accidentally off of Portugal. The rare find gives researchers a chance to study a species that hasn't changed in 80 million years. The individual was caught at a depth of 2,300 feet. The frilled shark has a gestation period of between one and two years. The frilled shark is not considered endangered, but it is protected in some areas of Australia and Europe.
6. Dinosaur-Age Shark with 300 'Frilled' Teeth Caught off Portuguese Coast

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.