1. Fisheries Production Could Decline by 60 Percent


3. North Atlantic is Getting Less Salty
Over the past decade, the North Atlantic’s salinity has been decreasing. It is not known whether this phenomenon is due to an influx of freshwater from ice or land or whether it is the result of some other natural, long-term cycle. Researchers attribute the immediate cause to changes in ocean circulation. But they warn that further decline in salinity—from Greenland's melting glaciers—“could impact fish stocks and the ocean’s ability to absorb CO2.”
4. Antarctic Krill Break Down Microplastics into Nanoplastics
Microplastics, which are plastic fragments less than five millimeters in diameter, are being turned into nanoplastics (even smaller plastic fragments) by the digestion process of Antarctic krill. Microplastics can be directly released into the ocean environment or can be broken down from larger pieces of plastic. This finding "warrants significant attention to nanoparticle toxicology in the discussions surrounding global plastic pollution."

5. Canada Announce $1.5B Plan to Protect Coasts

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.