1. Indonesia Has Declared a State of Emergency as Borneo Oil Spill Spreads


3. Warm Seawater Melting Antarctica Ice From Below
A new study used satellite information and found that the warming seawater due to climate change is melting Antarctic ice from below. “The scientists found an area of underwater ice the size of Greater London had melted within the space of five years. The most alarming change was seen in West Antarctica, where over a fifth of the entire ice sheet had retreated rapidly across the sea floor – outpacing the rate of overall melting.”

4. Success! Mumbai Beach Goes From Dump to Sea Turtle Hatchery in Two Years
A beach in Mumbai, which 2 years ago was shin-deep in trash, has undergone what the UN calls the “world’s largest beach clean-up.” Now 80 Olive Ridley sea turtles have made their way to the Arabian sea from a nest guarded by volunteers. A lawyer, Afroz Shah has led the clean-up efforts and worked with the local communities to reduce waste upstream.

5. Oil Discovery - New Rules Endanger Whales and Dolphins

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.