Pope suggests COVID- 19 is 'nature's response', Fish kicking the bucket due to microplastics, Unpredictable change in fish size, Tools to identify sex in sea turtles, Marine species capable of destroying viruses, Atomic bombs provide answers and much more...
1. Pope suggests COVID- 19 may be 'nature's responses' to climate change

2. Fish kicking the bucket - immune systems compromised by microplastics

3. Unpredictable changes in fish size due to climate change
Global climate change will affect fish sizes in unpredictable ways and, consequently, impact complex food webs in our oceans, a new Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)-led study has shown. Led by IMAS and Centre for Marine Socioecology scientist Dr. Asta Audzijonyte and published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, the study analyzed three decades of data from 30,000 surveys of rocky and coral reefs around Australia. Dr. Audzijonyte said the study confirmed that changes in water temperature were responsible for driving changes in average sizes of fish species across time and spatial scales.

4. A new tool developed to identify the sex of turtle hatchlings

5. Two things to be achieved in 10 years to save the world's threatened sea turtle
The largest turtle in the ocean, the leatherback gets its name from its tough, rubbery skin. Migrating long distances a year, the turtle can cross the Pacific Ocean. But with threats like getting tangled in fishing gear, the future for one distinct population looks "dire," say conservation groups. At the current rate of decline, the critically endangered Eastern Pacific leatherback turtle will vanish within 60 years. We have just 10 years left to put measures in place to save it, says a group of conservation scientists and organizations including Fauna & Flora International (FFI).
6. Certain species capable of destroying entire populations of viruses within hours

7. To preserve the high seas is one of the main goals of the United Nations

Read more from "University of California - Santa Barbara"
8. Records from atomic bomb tests help scientists age the worlds' biggest fish

9. Rapid 3D bioprinting techniques improve coral conservation
10. Lawsuit filed in Hawaii to protect endangered white-tip sharks
The National Marine Fisheries Service was asked in a lawsuit filed in Hawaii to protect Pacific oceanic white-tip sharks, which are listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. The environmental law firm Earthjustice filed the lawsuit on behalf of several conservation groups, including the Conservation Council for Hawaii and Michael Nakachi, a Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner and owner of a local scuba diving company, the Garden Island reported. “No protections exist to prevent fisheries from capturing oceanic white-tip sharks as bycatch,” said Moana Bjur, executive director of the Conservation Council for Hawaii. “That needs to change if we are to prevent this incredible apex predator from going extinct. That’s why we’re going to court.”
Editorial Note: Sea Save Foundation fought for and succeeded in getting oceanic white tip sharks listed on CITES Appendix II

Editorial Note: Sea Save Foundation fought for and succeeded in getting oceanic white tip sharks listed on CITES Appendix II
11. Vexing Nemo: Motorboat noise makes clownfish stressed and aggressive
Working on the reefs around Moorea in French Polynesia, an international team of scientists exposed 40 pairs of clownfish to recordings of natural reef sounds or motorboat noise for up to two days. Motorboat noise caused clownfish to hide in the protective tentacles of their host anemone, move less into open water to feed and to be more aggressive towards domino damselfish that also reside in the anemone. The researchers – from France, Chile and the UK – also found that noise-affected anemonefish were unable to respond appropriately to a second stressor, likely putting them at greater risk from threats such as predators and climate change.
Read more from "University of Bristol"

Read more from "University of Bristol"
12. Natural light flicker can help prevent detection
Movement breaks camouflage, making it risky for anything trying to hide. New research, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B today [1 April] has shown that dynamic features common in many natural habitats, such as moving light patterns, can reduce being located when moving. Dynamic illumination is particularly common in coral reefs, where patterns known as 'water caustics' play chaotically in the shallows. Researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Queensland carried out behavioural experiments on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
13. Phytoplankton provide evidence that carbon sequestration models may have been too optimistic
13. Phytoplankton provide evidence that carbon sequestration models may have been too optimistic
A study that included the first-ever winter sampling of phytoplankton in the North Atlantic revealed cells smaller than what scientists expected, meaning a key weapon in the fight against excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may not be as powerful as had been thought. Thus, commonly used carbon sequestration models might be too optimistic. The Oregon State University research into the microscopic algae, part of NASA’s North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study, was published this week in the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal.

14. Talk about self-discipline: Starfish delay their diet shift for over 6 years
Research that shows juvenile starfish can lurk harmlessly for more than six years could force a rethink on the crown of thorns culling methods used to protect corals on the Great Barrier Reef. The coral-eating crown of thorns starfish that devastate tropical reefs can lie in wait as harmless young herbivores for more than six years while coral populations recover from previous attacks or coral bleaching, new research has shown.
15. The Ningaloo Canyons orchestrate an artistic masterpiece
Scientists from the Schmidt Ocean Institute have discovered an unusual organism in the eastern Indian Ocean, off the remote western coast of Australian. The researchers took video of the Apolemia – a type of siphonophore in the deep-sea environment known as the Ningaloo Canyons. “Check out this beautiful ‘giant’ siphonophore Apolemia recorded on #NingalooCanyons expedition. It seems likely that this specimen is the largest ever recorded,” SCI wrote in a Twitter post.
16. We provide humans with oxygen under trauma, it's time to pass the mask to our coral reefs
The existence of coral reefs, in all their abundant biodiversity and beauty, relies largely on a complex symbiosis between reef-building corals and microalgae. This finely tuned, fragile, partnership is constantly under threat from environmental stress—most notably the twin effects of warming waters and ocean acidification caused by climate change. But scientists say a third driver, that of ocean deoxygenation, could pose a greater and more immediate threat to coral reef survival.
17. Wastewater treatment to effectively remove health hazardous chemicals
Globally, there is a growing concern regarding the presence of trace emerging contaminants such as retinoids and oestrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in aquatic environments. Retinoids such as retinoic acids and their metabolites, which are the derivatives of vitamin A, can cause abnormal morphological development in amphibians, fish, and snails at elevated levels. Oestrogenic EDCs like alkylphenols and bisphenol A are environmental estrogens that can induce feminization of male fish and abnormal development in aquatic organisms.
18. Steps revealed in the evolutions of hormonal systems that regulate and link sexual production
A new study by researchers at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) found that human-induced environmental stressors have a large effect on the genetic composition of coral reef populations in Hawai‘i. They confirmed that there is an ongoing loss of sensitive genotypes in nearshore coral populations due to stressors resulting from poor land-use practices and coastal pollution. This reduced genetic diversity compromises reef resilience.
19. Do urban fish exhibit impaired sleep?
Melatonin controls the body clock—high melatonin levels make us feel tired in the evening. However, the hormone also plays an important role in animals' biological rhythms. Artificial light at night—light pollution—can suppress the production of melatonin in fish, even at very low light intensities, a finding established by researchers from the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB).
14. Talk about self-discipline: Starfish delay their diet shift for over 6 years

15. The Ningaloo Canyons orchestrate an artistic masterpiece
Scientists from the Schmidt Ocean Institute have discovered an unusual organism in the eastern Indian Ocean, off the remote western coast of Australian. The researchers took video of the Apolemia – a type of siphonophore in the deep-sea environment known as the Ningaloo Canyons. “Check out this beautiful ‘giant’ siphonophore Apolemia recorded on #NingalooCanyons expedition. It seems likely that this specimen is the largest ever recorded,” SCI wrote in a Twitter post.

16. We provide humans with oxygen under trauma, it's time to pass the mask to our coral reefs

17. Wastewater treatment to effectively remove health hazardous chemicals

18. Steps revealed in the evolutions of hormonal systems that regulate and link sexual production

19. Do urban fish exhibit impaired sleep?

20. Cancer drugs could be impacting our waterways
Chemotherapeutic drugs, also known as antineoplastic agents, that are prescribed to treat a range of cancer types, enter the aquatic environment via human excretion and wastewater treatment facilities. A review published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry indicates that very few studies have characterized the effects of antineoplastic agents that are released into aquatic environments.
Read more from "Phys.org"
Read more from original study in Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
21. Deep-sea worms and bacteria team up to harvest methane
Scientists at Caltech and Occidental College have discovered a methane-fueled symbiosis between worms and bacteria at the bottom of the sea, shedding new light on the ecology of deep-sea environments. They found that bacteria belonging to the Methylococcaceae family have been hitching a ride on the feathery plumes that act as the respiratory organs of Laminatubus and Bispira worms. Methylococcaceae are methanotrophs, meaning that they harvest carbon and energy from methane, a molecule composed of carbon and hydrogen.
20. Cancer drugs could be impacting our waterways
21. Deep-sea worms and bacteria team up to harvest methane
Scientists at Caltech and Occidental College have discovered a methane-fueled symbiosis between worms and bacteria at the bottom of the sea, shedding new light on the ecology of deep-sea environments. They found that bacteria belonging to the Methylococcaceae family have been hitching a ride on the feathery plumes that act as the respiratory organs of Laminatubus and Bispira worms. Methylococcaceae are methanotrophs, meaning that they harvest carbon and energy from methane, a molecule composed of carbon and hydrogen.
Chemotherapeutic drugs, also known as antineoplastic agents, that are prescribed to treat a range of cancer types, enter the aquatic environment via human excretion and wastewater treatment facilities. A review published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry indicates that very few studies have characterized the effects of antineoplastic agents that are released into aquatic environments.
Read more from "Phys.org"
Read more from original study in Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Read more from original study in Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

22. High concentrations of trace elements expected to increase
A new study by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and their international colleagues found that freshwater runoff from rivers and continental shelf sediments are bringing significant quantities of carbon and trace elements into parts of the Arctic Ocean via the Transpolar Drift--a major surface current that moves water from Siberia across the North Pole to the North Atlantic Ocean. In 2015, oceanographers conducting research in the Arctic Ocean as part of the International GEOTRACES program found much higher concentrations of trace elements in surface waters near the North Pole than in regions on either side of the current. Their results published this week in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.
23. Study shows large ocean predators are more active in temperate regions
An international team of researchers has found that large ocean predators such as tuna, marlin and sharks are more active in temperate regions. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the group describes their analyses of data on attacks by predators on fishing bait in the open ocean over more than a half-century, and what it showed them.
24. New sonar still deters sperm whales feeding
New sonar technology is as disruptive to sperm whales as existing sonar technology, according to new research led by the University of St Andrews. While pulsing sonar has been used by navies around the world for years, the effect of new continuous sonar on sea mammals had not been tested before. Now, an international team of researchers led by Professor Patrick Miller at the University of St Andrews has examined the impact of this new technology on sperm whales with the first at-sea experiments.
Read more from "Phys.org"
Read more from Journal of Experimental Biology
25. Modified plant enzyme could be an environmentally friendly and fast solution to recycle plastics
22. High concentrations of trace elements expected to increase
A new study by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and their international colleagues found that freshwater runoff from rivers and continental shelf sediments are bringing significant quantities of carbon and trace elements into parts of the Arctic Ocean via the Transpolar Drift--a major surface current that moves water from Siberia across the North Pole to the North Atlantic Ocean. In 2015, oceanographers conducting research in the Arctic Ocean as part of the International GEOTRACES program found much higher concentrations of trace elements in surface waters near the North Pole than in regions on either side of the current. Their results published this week in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.
23. Study shows large ocean predators are more active in temperate regions
An international team of researchers has found that large ocean predators such as tuna, marlin and sharks are more active in temperate regions. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the group describes their analyses of data on attacks by predators on fishing bait in the open ocean over more than a half-century, and what it showed them.
24. New sonar still deters sperm whales feeding

Read more from "Phys.org"
Read more from Journal of Experimental Biology
Read more from Journal of Experimental Biology
25. Modified plant enzyme could be an environmentally friendly and fast solution to recycle plastics
Up to 90% of the popular plastic can be broken into monomers in a matter of hours. By tweaking an enzyme known for breaking down plants’ waxy coatings, scientists have come up with an environmentally friendly way to recycle poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)—the popular plastic found in soda bottles and many types of food packaging. The method efficiently cleaves PET into its constituent monomers, which can then be reused to build the plastic all over again. More than 60 million metric tons of PET are produced each year, much of which is not recycled. The most common recycling technique, a thermomechanical process, produces material with mechanical properties that are inferior to those of virgin PET.

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Ocean Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news
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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Ocean Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news