2. KA-BOOM! Indonesia Sinks Foreign Fishing Boats
Indonesia has sunk 41 foreign boats that had been caught fishing illegally. The boats included one from China and a number from Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. Indonesia has taken a firm stance on illegal fishing boats and practices and this is how the government defends that policy. Indonesian President Joko Widodo committed to protecting the country's fishing industry and maritime resources. Read more...
3. BP Oil Spill Caused Dolphins' Lung Disease
This week, a report was published in the journal PLOS ONE that linked the 2010 BP oil spill to the increase in bottlenose dolphin deaths on the Gulf coast. Because dolphins come up to the surface to breath, they end up being exposed to the most oil concentrated area of the ocean. Research shows that the dolphins that died after the oil spill actually had some distinct lesions on their lungs and adrenal glands. In addition to the abnormal adrenal glands, a high number of oil spill dolphins had bacterial pneumonia. Read more...
The European Environment Agency (EEA) published some shocking results in the recently published State of Nature in the EU report. After reviewing data on the Natura 2000- protected species and habitats over a 6 year period, the organization determined the following: 1) In the Atlantic, 71% of marine habitats are in unfavorable status, 2) In the Baltic, 86% of marine habitats and 80% of marine species are in unfavorable status, 3) In the Mediterranean, 62% of marine habitats and 56% of marine species are in unfavorable status. To view more detail and analysis that lead to these conclusions, read the full report here...

6. Green Climate Fund is Open!

7. 13 Great White Sharks Seen in Water Off Huntington Beach

Thirteen juvenile great white sharks were spotted off of Huntington Beach. Sharks have been spotted inching closer and closer to the shoreline. Could this be because the decreased species populations in the food chain have made it more difficult for sharks to find food? Read more...

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.