Week in Review June 22, 2018:
1. Trump Rescinds Obama Policy Protecting Oceans
President Trump is repealing a controversial executive order drafted by former President Obama that was meant to protect the Great Lakes and the oceans bordering the United States. In his own executive order signed late Tuesday, Trump put a new emphasis on industries that use the oceans, particularly oil and natural gas drilling, while also mentioning environmental stewardship. “Ocean industries employ millions of Americans and support a strong national economy,” the new order states, mentioning energy production, the military, freight transportation and other industries.
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Nothing beats dynamite fishing for sheer efficiency. A fisherman in this scattering of islands in the central Philippines balanced on a narrow outrigger boat and launched a bottle bomb into the sea with the ease of a quarterback.
It exploded in a violent burst, rocking the bottom of our boat and filling the air with an acrid smell. Fish bobbed onto the surface, dead or gasping their last breaths.
2. In the Philippines, Dynamite Fishing Decimates Entire Ocean Food Chains

It exploded in a violent burst, rocking the bottom of our boat and filling the air with an acrid smell. Fish bobbed onto the surface, dead or gasping their last breaths.
Under the water, coral shattered into rubble.

4. Marine Protected Areas Are Important. But Are They Working?
The world won't meet international ocean conservation targets by 2020, so a team of scientists is looking at what's next for saving our seas.
You can think of a marine protected area like a boost of vitamin C taken at the onset of a cold. It may not cure you, but it can help you bounce back. These protected ocean spaces, when defended well, won't solve all the problems in the world's oceans, but they might give us a fighting chance against afflictions like climate change or overfishing.

You can think of a marine protected area like a boost of vitamin C taken at the onset of a cold. It may not cure you, but it can help you bounce back. These protected ocean spaces, when defended well, won't solve all the problems in the world's oceans, but they might give us a fighting chance against afflictions like climate change or overfishing.
5. Turning Ocean Plastic into Art and Fuel in British Columbia

The Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) and conservation NGO The Nature Conservancy (TNC) signed a collaboration agreement on Friday that promotes joint research activities to advance the sustainability of fisheries in the Chilean coast and contribute to the protection of the marine ecosystem of the country.
The four-year agreement will develop and expand the tools to improve monitoring, surveillance and assessment programs of the main Chilean fisheries, which is the main purpose of IFOP.
The world is on track to exceed 1.5C of warming unless countries rapidly implement “far-reaching” actions to reduce carbon emissions, according to a draft UN report leaked to Reuters.
The final draft report from the UN’s intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) was due for publication in October. It is the guiding scientific document for what countries must do to combat climate change.
7. Leaked UN Draft Report Warns of the Urgent Need to Cut Global Warming

8. CA Bill Could Fund Research To Track Sharks In Real Time With Drones, Robots

9. MBARI Researchers Describe Abundant Marine Life at 'White Shark Cafe'

Halfway between California and Hawaii, this remote part of the Pacific Ocean is a gathering area for white sharks, and the researchers were trying to find out why.
10. The Ocean Is Getting More Acidic—What That Actually Means

Saba is an assistant professor of marine ecology at Rutgers University, where she is studying how fish, clams, and other creatures are reacting to rising levels of ocean acidity.
11. NASA, NSF Plunge Into Ocean ‘Twilight Zone’ to Explore Ecosystem Carbon Flow
A large multidisciplinary team of scientists, equipped with advanced underwater robotics and an array of analytical instrumentation, will set sail for the northeastern Pacific Ocean this August. The team’s mission for NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) is to study the life and death of the small organisms that play a critical role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and in the ocean’s carbon cycle.
12. Local Interventions Boost Coral's Resilience to Bleaching
Local conservation actions, like rounding up predatory snails, can significantly boost the resilience of corals to climate-induced bleaching, according to a study led by Duke University researchers.
The study, published June 18 in Nature Ecology & Evolution, comes at a time when scientists are deeply divided over whether local efforts to protect and manage coral reefs are enough to help stem the global tide of thermal bleaching that’s decimating corals worldwide as ocean temperatures continue to warm.
13. World Leading Microbeads Ban Comes into Force

14. Department of Primary Industries Re-opens Celito South and Fiona Beach to Hand Line Fishing in the Marine Park

15. Rare Manta Ray Nursery Discovered
Marine biologist Josh Stewart was floating underwater, looking up at the manta ray that materialized out of the blue above him, when he did a double take: The animal was a juvenile, only a few feet across—nowhere near as big as a mature giant manta ray, which can be as wide across as a giraffe is tall.
16. Marine reserves are vital — but under pressure

17. Sustainable seafood distributor reportedly lied about tuna source

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.